What happened when I fully embodied my Human Design and Gene Keys
What Happened When I Allowed Human Design & Gene Keys Be My Secret Sauce
Here you will find a video of me discussing this topic on YouTube here if that suits your learning style better.
If you have been following me for a while you will know that Human Design & Gene Keys are tools that I use to help my clients accomplish the task of designing, creating & living lives they love.
When you have lived your life a certain way, complying with societal norms and innocently allowing the life escalator to move you through time without stopping to question why you are headed in a particular direction it can take a lot of time to unlearn, decondition and become unfamiliar with your automatic way of being.
In my own case I was 30 years of age when the life escalator came to a drastic HAULT.
The most toxic work environment, where bullying was rampant with a boss who had a serious case of micromanagement and misogyny caused my body to shut down.
Because I had for quite some time shut it out.
I had shut out the wisdom of my body, living in my head, allowing thoughts like - there is something wrong with me, why am I always on the wrong side of my boss, why do the men in this organisation get so much further than me, I don´t stand a chance …rule my entire being.
And quite frankly my body got sick and tired of my consistent ignorance of all of the warning signs it was sending me…
The sick feeling in my tummy, not being able to sleep or eat, unable to feel my heart racing in my chest at any moment to name but a few.
Until one day, I had an accident on a spin bike (I´ll save that story for another day!) which had me rushed to the operating room to pin my smashed up arm back together. As I lay in the recovery room, the Doctor asked me what was on my mind when the accident happened, I explained how my mind was so preoccupied with work etc I don´t know what happened, she offered these words…
I think you have acute stress and anxiety in your body.
Wait what?! Me?
Ann Smyth, the most organised, put together, got her sh*t together person I know?!
But she was right.
I was so disconnected from my body, my inner being, my intuition, everything, I didn't even know what normal felt like anymore.
Long story short, that situation was in fact one of the BEST things that ever happened to me as it catapulted me into a deep soul and purpose searching mode that led me to designing, creating & living a life I now love.
While I have invested in personal coaching since I was 21 and it has always served me well, progressing up the work ladder, achieving goals etc I knew I needed something deeper.
Something that would help me understand me, my world and how I operate in the context of the world around me.
And so came my introduction to Human Design & subsequently Gene Keys.
While some might see these tools as WOO - I saw them as a Window Of Opportunity (also WOO) way to explore myself in a different way that felt very unique to me.
If you are sceptical I would encourage you to have an open mind as neither tool is a belief system, but are in fact just tools to help you understand yourself better - like the Enneagram.
Indeed, you can spend a lifetime developing an understanding of your true SELF without these tools but in my case I decided, I was here to enjoy life and all it has to offer to the fullest so any tool that helps me do that in the shortest time possible I am here for.
So how do I use these modalities as tools?
Personally, I do not use them as a prescriptive description of you as an individual. The whole premise of both modalities is that we are all designed unique and for one person to think they know you better than you know yourself is not possible.
Because here is the thing, no one knows you better than you do, you may be just like I was so disconnected from my inner wisdom & being, so connected to a version of myself that others created I was completely ignorant to all it was trying to tell me and needed these tools to help me reconnect with that inner wisdom, being & knowing.
Initially, I started playing with the information I was consuming about myself. I am a 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator, I loved learning about this and how that played out in my life.
I was thirsty for more - so I went all in and got qualified.
My brain exploded with all of the information.
Everything about me made sense and I now had a reason for it all.
I now had a tool that gave me a sense of safety to express myself fully as me.
Things I had seen as wrong with me, previous overreactions or outbursts all made sense. I could see so clearly what I had been suppressing for so long to keep everyone else happy was in fact the thing I needed to share more.
Looking back, it completely made sense why my system shut down, I had shut it off, for the benefit of others.
What I know for sure is that nothing matters more than your connection with your INNER BEING. No other HUMAN BEING knows better for you than your INNER BEING does for you.
I stepped into a whole new life through the level of self exploration Human Design & Gene Keys gave me. All of the information was explored in the context of the old me and the new me I was consciously designing from that point forward irrespective of what anyone thought of it.
I gave up my highly paid corporate job, company car and side of bullying, my beautiful apartment in Dublin, my very fancy car, my outwardly shiney life and declared to everyone who knew the old version of me that I was moving to Spain to design a life I love, for no other reason than it was what my heart told me do.
I connected with my essence, my individual meaningfulness and what was important to me, trusting & knowing that if I kept following my Human Design Authority & Strategy, and spotted my shadow frequency patterns from my Gene Keys I could not go wrong.
Don´t get me wrong I don´t always get it right but what I am able to do now is pattern disrupt and change my energetic focus with ease and in the shortest time possible.
So here I am almost 5 years later, living in Valencia, Spain doing work I ADORE with every fibre of my being, living with the man I searched a long time for in a very beautiful co-creative relationship, in the exact apartment we envisaged when we decided it was time to move in together, loving every moment of this precious life.
Every morning I wake up with so much gratitude for myself and the bet I took based on my Inner Beings advice.
Knowing your Human Design and Gene Keys in a generic way is useful, you will see some results, however knowing the information in the context of your specific life circumstances, belief systems, brain, nervous system & learning how to connect with your unique life design is a whole other level.
I am here to help my clients make a meaningful change in their lives. I am not here for one hit wonder readings. I am here for life designs that will surprise and delight my clients for the rest of their days.
You are here on purpose to live a harmonious and joyous life.
You are meant to live your life on purpose and with intention.
You are capable of designing & living a life you love at any stage in the most intuitive and easy way possible.
My greatest pleasure is seeing the people my clients have become, having learned all they need to know inorder to uplevel again and again, into the people they dreamed of being when we first met. I witness their life designs unfolding in the most exquisite and decadent ways you can ever imagine.
If you are ready to change your life and live your life on your terms, leading, connecting and communicating with your INNER BEING at every moment then get in touch today. My Design A Life You Love program is designed specifically for you to do just that.
If you are ready to actualise your life design and become the Chief Designer of your own story and prioritize your relationship with your inner being above all others my Design A Life You Love coaching program is what you have been searching for.
If you are ready for more harmony in your life and this program sounds like what you have been looking for, hit reply to this email to arrange a consultation directly with me or click here to arrange your Design a Life Your Love Consult Call directly.