Shining your light as a generator
Shining Your Light As A Generator
Shining Your Light As A Generator
When it comes to human design each energy type has its own strategy, this is how you express your energy, how you shine your light out into the world, how you communicate with the world around you and how you draw the right things to you.
If you would like to learn more about the strategy for a Projector you can do so here.
When it comes to Generators their strategy is TO RESPOND.
This is also the strategy for the Manifesting Generators amongst us but we both approach this strategy a little differently.
Generators are amazing people, everyone needs a generator in their life. They are fun, reliable and the centre of their tribe.
But what happens when you are the one that everyone relies on?
You can get dumped on - everyone's problems become your problems to solve. Think of the peer in university, the colleague, the ´friend´ who relies on you to get the job done while they take their foot off the gas
So for a Generator it is best to learn to stay in their own lane, to only follow the one thing that really interests and juices you up. They need to develop strategies to not stretch themselves too much, just because you see an MG stretching themselves and doing it all, doesn't mean you have to do it. Equally just because you can get the job done for everyone else doesn't mean you have to.
What you do have to do is follow your heart, soul and desires and follow the main thing that really lights you up. That one thing you love, is your zone of genius and it deserves all of your energy and heart.
The strategy of responding rather than reacting is key and is one of the main reprogramming patterns that Generators need to work on.
So what things are you leaking energy on that you need to let go of?
In my coaching program I help all types decondition how they think they should be living and show them how to fully embody their human design & gene keys. Anything and everything is possible for you, cleaning up your limitations and aura is a key step in designing and creating the life you desire. If you are ready to design your life on purpose and start living fully in alignment with your human design, get in touch today to arrange a connection call.
Ann Smyth is a Certified Life Coach, Human Design & Gene Key Guide. Her mission is to help as many amazing women as possible who are feeling uninspired by their life design and create personal and professional lives they adore, lived 100% on their terms. If this sounds like what you are looking for you can contact Ann directly here.