Why do you care what other people think about you?
Why do you care what other people think of you?
Caring about what others think can look like:
What you are saying/communicating on your socials or in person
What you are wearing, consuming or supporting
What you are doing both personally & professionally
Concerning ourselves with what others think about us is the single biggest waste of your precious time.
Here's why:
When we are designing, creating & living lives we love one of the factors we are always aware of is time. I see clients stress about how long it is taking for the things that they desire to become their new reality.
The delay usually happens for two reasons:
They do not have enough clarity around what exactly they are calling in or are not thinking big enough for themselves
There are a number of limiting beliefs & patterns they are perpetuating which they may not be aware of
The solution to these two things is:
1) Clarity of desire is needed to make sure you are calling in the exact trajectory you desire &
2) Learning to manage the creation of limiting thoughts, beliefs & behaviours which are holding you back.
This email will be dealing with item 2 above.
To break down this lesson let's start with time management.
Time management issues are not the result of not having enough hours in the day, time management issues are the result of not keeping the commitments you made to yourself.
You are dedicating your time to other peoples commitments, opinions & beliefs rather than the ones you make to yourself.
What stops you keeping commitments to yourself?
Worrying and wasting time thinking about what others think about you.
While I may not have met you personally (yet!) I have no doubt that you have a desire in your heart to live your life more intuitively, more wildly, more abundantly, with more flow, freedom & ease in whatever context you so wish.
You are worried what others will think about the way you so deeply desire to live your life.
You repeat thought errors in your head like:
No one in my family has ever run their own business
I can´t talk about being a sexually liberated woman on my socials, what will my family think?
I can't give up my good job, what will my parents think
What if my ex peers saw me sharing with the world my passion for knitting, artistry, cooking, skydiving, clothes, what would they think?
These thought errors keep you from honouring your commitments to yourself.
And worrying about what others think about you is the most futile exercise you can persist with BECAUSE ……….
That's right no two people have the exact same thought. Just look at couples in relation to each other, they never think the exact same thing as each other. They may have some variation of it but never the same thought.
So if two people are never going to think the same, why are you worried about what others are thinking, you & the person you are worrying about are literally never going to think the same.
Sigh ……
As human beings we have the ability to discover & decide.
We have the ability to discover new limits for ourselves and the world around us has the ability to decide if what we are sharing with them, how we choose to live our lives agrees with them or not.
And if the way you choose to live your life does not agree with another, that is in no way a reflection of you, your skills, your gifts, your art, your passions or the life you lead.
Your only job is to honour the commitments you make to yourself.
When we look outside of ourselves for validation that what we are doing is correct, and seek approval from others we are ultimately seeking SAFETY.
Let me say that again, we are seeking a sense of safety outside of ourselves.
And my darling I am here to tell you that a true sense of safety can only be cultivated and provided from within.
When you learn to cultivate and provide your own safety, you become unstoppable in the pursuit of the life you are creating & designing for yourself.
Safety is created through a deep inner knowing & trust in yourself. This is a key skill I show my clients in my Design A Life You Love coaching program. I show them how to tune into and lead with their unique intuition, manage their mind, develop a high level of emotional intelligence, regulate their nervous system and how to pattern disrupt their own thought errors so they can design, create & live the lives they know they are innately worthy of.
I love what I do helping intelligent, curious women to manage their brains, gain clarity on their desires & tune into their unique intuition to Design Lives They Love.
We are meant to be unique and individual and we are meant to share our individuality with the world.
Your individual meaningfulness can be on any scale, it can be running your own company, being a freelance writer, starting your own business, starting your own farm, being an artist solely for the sake of making art, being a parent……. The list is truly endless.
Your individual meaningfulness is how you express the you-est you to the world.
What I know for sure from the women I have had the privilege to work with is when these women connected with their individual meaningfulness through their unique human design & gene keys and we proactively & compassionately designed lives they loved, their lives got better and better.
They began leading and living their lives based on their intuitive impulses and life got easier. More flow, more white space to process ideas & information, more connection, better communication, more inspiration, more place, more surrender, more pleasure, more joy and more ease.
And that is what you will experience if you started leading your life based on the answer to one question, what would you be doing right now if your only concern was how to be the You-est, you could ever be.
Designing a life you love is a very powerful process. It is taking the creative control back into your hands 100%. It is scary but the woman you birth through the experience is the most delicious and yummiest you, you can ever imagine.
Are you ready to lean into all your deliciousness?
I work with the most incredible people and I hope you are next.
These women are designing and creating lives they love with purpose & intention. They are living their lives intuitively and with ease. They are experiencing divine wisdom through stillness, presence in their lives, surrender and flow.
Throughout your time working with me you will achieve:
Clarity of your vision
High levels of emotional intelligence
An understanding of your unique communication style
An ability to reset your nervous system to neutral in any situation
A clear channel with your unique inbuilt intuitive decision making system
Deep knowledge of your brain and how thoughts & beliefs are formed by you
An understanding of your personal meaning making systems
A second brain system to help file and store ideas, inspirations, distractions, procrastinations etc
Focused and continued attention in the direction of your desired outcome
Trust in yourself & your worthiness to create & receive
Total acceptance of the belief that you can have, do or be anything your heart desires.
If you would like to learn more about working with me I would love to invite you deeper into my work. Here is now we can work together:
Design A Life You Love Coaching Program:
A 1:1 intimate program is for you if you are ready to start living your personal and professional lives 100% on your terms. If the trajectory of your life currently feels unfilling and unsatisfactory to you this program is designed specifically for you. Living with purpose and intention is truly possible for you, the world needs more of your individual meaningfulness shared with it.
I am so excited to take the next step of working together, feel free to email me now and any other time you are ready for your next level expansion. If you have any further questions, let me know.
When I meet with a client I don’t care about the life they have been living up to that point. I want to hear all about the life they are dreaming of creating.
I don’t see their past, I see their power and their potential.
I love Human Design - it gives us all of the information about all of the stars and planets that make up exactly who you are.
You are a piece of the universe in motion and it is my job as your coach to help you unleash those universal forces inside of you and help you decide what you need to do to create the life of your dreams.
It is my job to make you realise what is inside of you.
To help you decide who you truly want to be and decide what changes you need to make to realise this reality.
My dream is for every amazing female I meet or engage with to live her life on her terms. How different would the world be if every woman was living life through her dream life?
Each time I work with a client the process is unique and tailored for their individual needs and dreams. A unique individual like you needs a bespoke approach to your dreams.
If you would like to deep dive into your dreams with me using your human design, gene keys & general life coaching to design your life on your terms then hit reply.
If you would like to start getting ready to receive your desires and feel called to work with me you can get in touch with me directly to arrange a consult here.