What does definition, openness, defined and undefined mean in Human Design?
What Does Definition, Openness, Defined & Undefined Mean in Human Design
Human Design contains a significant amount of information which can be overwhelming when you begin your self study of your own unique human design.
Understanding how to put all of this information together takes time and contemplation your design in order for you to fully start living by it.
So allow yourself some grace while you gather all this information about yourself.
If you are new to Human Design and would like to learn more click here.
If you would like to find your own human design type you can click here.
Learning your Human Design and leaning into It is a lifelong experiment.
In my one to one coaching program Design A Life You Love I help accomplished women better understand themselves and their Human Design so that they can harness this naturalness to call in their deepest desires in the most aligned way possible.
The more my clients learn about their unique human design the more skilled they become at regulating their own nervous system, creating authentic connections, cultivating growth & expansion.
To help those of you on a journey of self study.
Here is some information to help you understand the myriad of information about Human Design.
Very simply definition means the person has a long of centres, channels and gates active in their chart. This will look like most centres colour in (the colour does not matter), channels coloured in (the links between centre) and gates also show in colour the individual numbers). People with alot of definition tend to be very level headed, clear in their direction, sure of themselves, confident in their abilities etc. The more definition someone has the more consistent they are in the way they show up in the world.
The opposite to Definition, Openness is when there are less areas coloured in in your chart, this applied to centres, channels and gates. Where there is more openness the person is more likely to change their direction or sense of self over their lifetime. They are more susceptible to taking energy from the world around them and this can influence how they go about their day.
Note neither one of these is better than the other; it is simply an explanation as to why we all behave so differently in the world and our approaches to life. It is not our job to be like everyone else. It is our job to be uniquely ourselves.
Defined means that your centre or chakra is coloured in on your body graph. The colour can be either yellow, brown, green or red. The colour is not relevant, all that matters in that the centre is coloured in. Where you have defined centres it means you have access to the energy of this centre consistently. Defined centres determine your Human Design Type, Strategy and Authority.
Undefined means your chakras or centres are not coloured in, they are white. Where you have an undefined centre it means you have inconsistent access to the energy of this centre. The undefined nature of these centres means that they can be charged energetically by those around us who are defined in these centres. Our skill and learning to ensure that the energy we are allowing into our own system is used to work for us and not against us. True growth and awareness comes from being able to identify where you have allowed another's energy to enter one of your centres. As you develop your own awareness of this you will become more connected with how this energy affects your nervous system and subsequently how you behave, react, feel and think in certain situations.
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If you would like to learn more about working with me to Design A Life You Love using Human Design & General Life Coaching you can find that information here.