Understanding your splenic authority in your Human Design
Understanding Your Splenic Authority in Your Human Design
Two very common words in Human Design are Authority and Strategy.
While there is a myriad of information about you in your unique Human Design, learning to harness and utilise the wisdom these two elements have for you will see you living your life in a very aligned, intuitive & easy way.
I have previously written about the various Authorities in Human Design if you would like to learn more about that you can do so here.
This article however is focusing on the Splenic Authority.
When the spleen is defined, it is coloured in brown. The colour brown only indicates that the centre is defined, it does not mean anything further. If the spleen is white, it means you are undefined in this centre. You can read more about undefined centre´s here.
For the purpose of this article, we will be working on the basis that the spleen is defined.
Different to an emotional or sacral authority which are both motor centre’s, the spleen is an awareness centre. This means that as motor centre’s the emotional and sacral authorities generate energy that can be felt by both the person on an individual level but also by those around them.
The splenic authority however does not generate energy or vibration and for this reason it is not felt in the body, it is heard by the receiver.
The splenic authority is all about instinct and what feels right. Or more correctly what the person with such an authority senses is right.
Again for contrast the solar plexus experiences vibration and expresses them as emotions which take time to ride out while the spleen experiences sensations and knows instinctively in the moment what to do.
A simple example would be if the solar plexus (emotional authority) was in a hot room, they would experience that by getting hot and bothered, perhaps complaining that they are feeling uncomfortable that they are too hot before taking action. The splenic authority on the other hand will simply receive the nudge internally to turn the heat down or go outside to cool down. They will in the moment decide if they like the sensation of something rather than riding out the emotional wave like a defined solar plexus might.
As the spleen is all about instinct, it relies solely on instinct in the body rather than the logic of the mind to inform it. It is spontaneous, in the moment, very intuitive and really informs you to what degree you feel safety in your body.
This is due to the fact that the spleen also holds information regarding our specific fears as well as our intuition.
A regulated nervous system is the result of a regulated spleen.
Mental conditioning and prioritizing logic over many years have led many of us to disconnect from the wisdom of instinct that the spleen has for us. Instead, our brains use the fear information held in the spleen rather than the wisdom it holds for us to help inform our decision making.
Our brain will create thought errors about whether we should or should not do something by using for example the fear of authority, or not being good enough or the past repeating itself (all present in the spleen) to convince us that we should not do something.
Our brains in these situations are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Our brains do not like change, they like the status quo and our desires for more irk the brain into thinking it has to convince us why our desires for more will not succeed.
Our spleen however, particularly if it is your authority, knows better. It knows what you instinctively want and what you need to do to get you there.
The good news is despite mental conditioning and our predisposition to prioritize what our brain says to us over what our spleen informs us is that our spleens do not hold grudges against us. Even though we may have been ignoring them for some time, they are always there talking to us, we have just forgotten to listen.
The voice of the spleen is consistent and persistent, it will never give up speaking to us knowing one day we will wake up to its wisdom.
So, the question then is how do I know when my spleen is speaking to me?
The spleen is like a voice, similar to the one in your head. The way you can tell the difference between the two, is your spleen will have no logical reason why you should do what it is telling you to do. Your brain's voice however will have a list of reasons and excuses why you should do something.
The spleen will say, ´you should take a bath right now.´ Even though it’s the middle of the day and you have things to do.
The brain will say right after, ¨don´t do that, you have things to do, in fact it would be better if you took a shower tonight before 8pm because then you can get X,Y,Z done beforehand¨.
Do you see how one is logical and one is not?
The point of your Authority in Human Design is to prioritize what it tells you over anything else, even if it makes no logical sense what it is telling you.
So, for the example above about taking a bath, the action would be taking the bath there and then at 3pm.
Many Projectors and Manifestors have a Splenic Authority, and if you are familiar with Human Design you will know that both of these types are encouraged to take rest and conserve their energy. There are many reasons for this however one very important reason for Splenic Manifestors and Projectors for rest is so that they can sit with their spleen in rest and relaxation mode in order to really tune into the wisdom and guidance it has for them.
Another factor of the splenic authority is that you can trust the timing of your impulses and instincts. The spleen when fully connected to really has a great sense of right timing and for this reason you should prioritize its wisdom over all else.
The spleens sense of natural right timing, is a great aspect to harness if you have an undefined root centre and feel anxious from time to time about time.
So, there you have it a summary of the Splenic Authority and how it works.
As with all Authorities, learning to trust in their wisdom at guidance above all else takes time, practice and perseverance. After many years of conditioning which encourages us to prioritize the mental logic over our own unique intuitive guidance system it is completely understandable that it may take some time for you to fully understand, tune into and lead your life fully from your intuitive guidance system.
I work with intelligent, curious people who are seeking to start designing, creating and living their life design.
Understanding how your authority works allows you to exercise your strategy with less resistance in order for you to live your life according to your unique Human Design in an easier and more intuitive way.
Living your life intuitively and more easily by design is a core skill I teach my clients in my coaching program Design A Life You Love.
In this intimate and bespoke one to one coaching program I work with intelligent, curious women to help them design personal and professional lives they love using their unique Human Design & Gene Keys.
Designing a life you love is 100% possible for you and is all about being crystal clear with yourself and what you truly desire. It involves cultivating a deep understanding and trust in your own intuitive decision and meaning making systems. Learning to connect with your individual and unique meaningfulness is easy when doing so through the window of Human Design and Gene Keys. You will learn to create safety to express all that you are with the world around you.
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