The i-ching and Human Design
Understand the foundations of Human Design
In this comprehensive blog post you will learn all you need to know about the modality called the i-ching and how it informs Human Design
What is the i-ching?
It is an ancient Chinese book or manual of wisdom that is often called the Book of Changes which tells the story of all of the different energies in this world and how they unfold. The order of the gates 1,2,3 tell the story of change in a human being's life. When you understand the patterns of change that can happen in life, you are prepared for future events and can use this information to make the right decisions for you.
In total there are 64 gates in the i-ching, and in your Human Design chart you will see up to 26 of these gates defined in your chart which are determined by the geographic location, time and date of your birth. Some gates may be activated on both your personality (red) and design (black) side of your chart which is why you may not have 26 different gates in your chart.
The gates that are circled in red (defined) on your chart represent the talents or ways of being that come naturally to you, however due to your societal or parental conditioning you may not be living the full expression of those gates. It is important to note that you may have defined gates inside of you that sit in an undefined chakra centre. This can add another layer of conditioning that may limit your ability to fully express the defined gate in your life.
How does the i-ching link to Human Design
While Human Design is a synthesis of many disciplines including the chakra system, kabbalah, astrology and the i-ching, the latter forms the bases of the wisdom contained in the profile numbers (your personality type) and the gates (your specific gifts, skills and talents). It is therefore the bedrock upon which the philosophy of Human Design sits.
The i-ching is divided into two, the yin (feminine or receptivity energy) and the yang (masculine or creative energy). The yin and yang relationship of the i-ching is as lovers, they cannot be separated both desiring to be accepted and expressed exactly as they are in their wholeness. It is a system that uses images, stories and ideas to add depth to the potential of each of the gates within the human experience. From the gate and profile information arche-typical roles can be described for each individual.
Within the i-ching there are 8 characters which are considered the main energies for the expression of life, these characters include Heave, Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain and Earth.
What each energy represents:
🌤️ Heaven (associated with Gate 1) - the father of all 8, it’s very smart, very wealthy, loves to be in cities, mirrors back, heaven loves luxury, loves to feel good.
🏖️ Lake (associated with Gate 58) - the younger sister, flirty, fun energy, loves lakeside and loves to thrift, loves love, very sweet, loves animals and nature. If you attack her friends she will attack you despite her sweetness.
🔥 Fire (associated with Gate 30) - the older sister, illumination, always realising something, if she loves you she wants to protect you, someone who can get angry very easily when out of balance.
⚡️ Thunder (associated with Gate 51) - is the older brother, it fights with fire, they butt heads, it’s a very look at me energy, being outspoken, thunder can also be soft like a flower who acts boldly opening up to be seen. Let’s it´s pollen go everywhere, and does not care who sees it. Brash with a bit of a temper.
đź’¨ Wind (associated with Gate 57) - the middle sister, very sensory, can be loud or soft depending on how you want to play it.
đź’§ Water (associated with Gate 29) - the middle brother, a trickster, someone who changes very quickly.
â›° Mountain (associated with Gate 52) - the youngest brother someone who is always wanting to go out and have adventure, is spiritual, loves to meditate and do his thing. Not always understood by others because he is always in his own world. Needs to understand it takes time for the things around it to change.
🌎 Earth (associated with Gate 2) - the mother, very generous, really loving, and patient, has lots of food energy and resources for other people. Can withstand a lot of changes and heat. The energy is about being still, showing patience and being ok with change. Understand it takes time for the things around it to change.
the i-ching (Gates) and the elements
How does this translate to your chart?
Ultimately, the i-ching acknowledges the positive and the negative in people showing you how to navigate these two sides with grace and ease. For example it shows us that people can be at peace, have acceptance, joy, patience, feel delight, inner knowing, openness and awareness. While at the same time be led by egoic forces such as fear, anger, frustration, aggressiveness, greed and arrogance. It shows us that it is possible to hold two opposing states at the same time.
In the table below you will see which elements (listed above) the 64 gates in Human Design are associated with. When you consider the meaning of the gate within the context of the description above of the elements you will learn your unique way of balancing the energy of this gate in your life at any stage.
To understand the gates better you can download a free gates cheat sheet by entering your details below:
Applying this information to your chart
With the information and description of each gate the knowledge of the two elements that gate exists in you possess the knowledge and awareness you need to navigate the changes in your life in a way that feels pleasurable and easy to you.
Ann Smyth is a trauma-informed Human Design Life Coach. If you would like to learn more about working with her you can do so by clicking here.