How to use your Human Design to set new year goals
How to use your human design to set new years goals
As some of you may know I am not one for new year goals. I am for ‘anytime I like’ new goals because you my darling are the only creative power in your life and you therefore have full authority (AUTHOR-ity) over your life at all times.
Anything and everything you desire is yours for the receiving, the question is how are you designing your life to be in a consistent receiving mode for these desires?
While new years goals are not my thing I appreciate that they can be a motivator for some of you so in this email I will be discussing how you use your unique human design to set new years goals.
Step 1: Review
One of the biggest learnings for any human design type is learning to let go of the conditioning you have picked up over your time here on earth participating in your human design experiment.
In this step each type is encouraged to review where they are currently letting their conditioning take up too much space or energy. When you have identified where you are holding too much space for things that do not serve you, you can then make decisions to let those things go and create space for what you do want to come to you.
I suggest you sit down and journal or meditate on these questions.
Manifesting Generator & Generator Review Strategy - Consider where are you holding onto people, places, circumstances or events that do not excite or delight you? Where have you lost interest in something yet are continuing to participate in it despite no longer feeling energised by it?
Manifestor Review Strategy - Consider where you are allowing structures and social constructs to dictate how you are living your life? Where are you people pleasing and keeping yourself small to keep others happy regardless of how restricted it makes you feel.
Projector Review Strategy - Consider where you are spending too much of your precious time? Where are you trying to keep up with others pace of life despite how exhausting it feels to you? Where are you trying to get attention but do not feel truly recognised by those whose attention you are seeking?
Reflector Review Strategy - Consider what environments or social situations do not make you feel good and which ones do make you feel good. Do you have a tendency to spend more time in situations that make you feel bad or that make you feel good?
Step 2: Evaluate
When you have journaled on these review questions spend some time to evaluate how you can reduce these energy leaking activities and create more space for what you do want. Do you need to change your workplace, perhaps some relationships have run their course, do you need to stand up for yourself and your desires more around other people.
Step 3: Make a List of Your Goals & Actions Needed According to Your Human Design
Manifesting Generators & Generator: RESPOND when writing your goals
The strategy for these types is to RESPOND, this means take responsive action to remove what is no longer lighting you up from you life. Get comfortable with letting things go and do not concern yourself with what others may or may not think of you for changing your mind. Responding also means communicating with the universe on a continuous basis, the objective is responding to refine. As you set your goals, get clear with the universe and refine your desires. If you had a promotion last year in your career but your incremental salary increase was not proportionate to your new role, refine this in your list of goals. Thank the universe what it did bring you but respond with intention that you would like to receive higher remuneration this year. Responding is all about refining. How much detail can you put on what you are calling in? In other words write your goals like this…..
Universe I like this, this and this …….. in my life, going forwardI would like to be financially supported more in my role, or I would like more freedom in my life, I would like more spontaneity etc.
Manifestor: INFORM when writing your goals
For this type the strategy is to INFORM. As an initiator of big ideas and visions you only have to inform about the initial details you do not have to inform on all the nitty gritty details. You are a big energy force and move fast, there is no time for getting bogged down in details. So when writing down your goals don’t be afraid to inform the universe of your big bright ideas. If you can’t see a clear path to them just yet, don’t worry, all you have to do is inform, trusting and knowing the path will unfold in due course.
Informing is all about signalling to the universe that you are ready to play and to play big.
In other words write your goals like this…..
Universe I am ready to take my career or business to the next level. Crazy next level, sales and incomes levels I have never seen before. I want to blow my own mind with what I can achieve. I am excited to follow my intuitive guidance and receive these crazy out of the box ideas.
Projectors: RECOGNISE yourself & ask for INVITES when writing your goals
For Projectors it is key that you spend some time recognizing yourself for your unique gifts and power. Recognising what you are particularly good at and what value you bring to the world around you is key for Projectors. You should then write your goals asking the universe to bring more invites into your life that recognise you for these gifts.
For example you could write your goals as follows;
Universe, I know I have a very unique and special view of the world. I have an ability to see things in a way that others can’t. In my area of work I am really gifted at ………. Going forward this year I would like to welcome more invitations from my colleagues or clients where I am asked to share this unique perspective with them. I would like to be remunerated very highly for my special gifts and what I have to offer.
Reflectors: WAIT to write your goals
When it comes to Reflectors writing goals for you guys is very different to the rest of us. Your strategy is to WAIT A LUNAR CYCLE. So rather than setting goals just because it is the start of a new year, wait until it feels like the right time for you to write them. As you are heavily influenced by the moon's energy it is best to write your goals midway between two moons. This will give you the best chance of being equally influenced by the energy of each of the moons and not just one of them which may not be aligned with what you are calling in. Also be very careful to write your goals at a time when you have removed yourself from people or environments that do not make you feel good about yourself as these will heavily influence how you feel about yourself and your goals.
For all types after you have written your goals you need to get working on what action steps you need to take by following the guidance of your individual intuitive decision making system and pattern to disrupt any limiting beliefs or thoughts which will be affecting the magnetic pull of your energetic blueprint.
Learning to manage your brain effectively and tuning into your unique intuitive system is a key life skill that will propel you forward and change the trajectory of your life forever. This is a key component of the work I do with my clients.
If you are ready to make some real changes in your life in the shortest time possible I will show you how to manage your mind and pattern disrupt in my intimate and highly personalised 1:1 coaching program.
This program is for you if you are ready to change your life forever by becoming highly skilled at managing your brain and tuning into your intuitive system to course correct your life's trajectory at any time.
I love the women I work with and I hope you will be next.
When I meet with a client I don’t care about the life they have been living up to that point. I want to hear all about the life they are dreaming of creating.
I don’t see their past, I see their power and their potential.
I love Human Design - it gives us all of the information about all of the stars and planets that make up exactly who you are.
You are a piece of the universe in motion and it is my job as your coach to help you unleash those universal forces inside of you and help you decide what you need to do to create the life of your dreams.
It is my job to make you realise what is inside of you.
To help you decide who you truly want to be and decide what changes you need to make to realise this reality.
My dream is for every amazing female I meet or engage with to live her life on her terms. How different would the world be if every woman was living life through her dream life?
Each time I work with a client the process is unique and tailored for their individual needs and dreams. A unique individual like you needs a bespoke approach to your dreams.
If you would like to deep dive into your dreams with me using your human design, gene keys & general life coaching to design your life on your terms then hit reply.
I am here to help as many accomplished women activate, integrate and play with every desire they possess. In my coaching program we achieve this by combining life coaching, your unique human design and gene keys to align your personal, professional and purpose lives in the most unique way for you.
If you would like to start getting ready to receive your desires and feel called to work with me you can get in touch with me today to arrange a consultation with me.